A Slow Meander Through Life

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My Head Hurts

It's twenty five minutes to eight o'clock in the evening and I'm still at work. This is unusual for me and as a consequence my head hurts.

I'm happy that my spreadsheet works, but now I have to create a big exception report and my brain is saying 'not now Daniel, not now'. My brain is a powerful influence over all but a couple of parts of my body, and it is winning nicely.

It has just lost a different battle, however, as the 'Christmas Love Pangs' attacked me earlier on today and won successfully. It's nearly Christmas, it's dark outside and I want a hug: the fact that I'm single makes it all the worse. So the dreaded love pangs kick in, I have a chat with a friend that I used to go out with, I miss her a bit, messenger allows me to type stuff that I may not have the balls to say to her face and it all comes out ok but probably wasn't the best idea.

Maybe someone should start a business that supplies someone to stop you feeling lonely. I don't know, maybe just someone to be with for an hour after work. What's that? Someone's done it already? Bastards. It's Christmas, I'm single, and the one good idea that I can come up with has been taken by some pimp in a flash car.

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  • OR, you could snog your coworker. In front of your OTHER coworkers. And spend the week cringing in paranoia. *nods head* mm-hm. 'Cause, that's a nice way to spend the week before Christmas (so I hear).

    By Blogger deanne, at 9:27 pm  

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